Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3 month update, Easter Bunny pic and St. Patricks Day!

So it's been a couple of weeks and we have been SOO busy. We finally had Easter Bunny Pics made, celebrated Bean's first St. Patrick's Day, his three month birthday and enjoyed a much needed vacay in Texas with our family!

We can start with the Easter pictures. Since there are two malls within a close range of my house, I ended up getting two different pictures made with two different Easter bunnies. Dumb, I know but after getting the first picture made I went to the bigger mall and found out that the Easter bunny was there as well. One of the pictures turned out horrible and I wasn't very happy because they didn't even hold him right so his bunny shirt didn't really show! O well, what can you do? At least one of his little eyes was open!

^Worn out from the day's festivities and trying to hold his bottle at the Olive Garden. ^

St. Patrick's Day and his third month fell on the same day! That morning I put his little St. Patrick's Day shirt on him and some cute khaki's. We decided to spend the day with his granny because we were leaving for Texas on Monday and we wouldn't be back for a week. (She has withdrawals if she hasn't seen him in a couple of days) We had so much fun there taking pictures and just playing around with him. His personality is so unique and amazing! I have been very blessed with this happy, happy baby!

3 Month Stats
Weight: 11.8 pounds
Length: 23.5 inches

 The ABC song
Good Night, Little Bear (book)
Watching Baby Einstein, Sprout and Nick Jr.

When his bottle is finished
Tummy time

Can't wait to see what changes the fourth month will bring! My little compadre is growing up so fast on me. Sometimes I feel like I don't have as much time as I would like too document his growth. Sticking to this blog for his updates has helped me tremendously. It's a huge stress reliever and it makes me very happy to know that when I update about him, I can always go back to my blog to check dates or to just reminisce about the baby days!
Well that's it for 3 months! We are headed into the fourth month with bells on!
God Bless and stay tuned for the Texas update! I have a ton of pictures to share.
XoxO <3 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Our day out..

Today Bean and I had a crazy, fun day out! I was planning to take him to the mall to get his picture made with the Easter Bunny but unfortunately I was wrong on the date. Since he will be there tomorrow, we are going back! I put him in the stroller instead of the carrier because I want him to actually EnJoy strolling around. He was so good! I soon realized that we had been in the mall for so long that it was time for him to eat again. He was screaming bloody murder! I sat down at the table and made his bottle. I went ahead and fed him while everyone looked on as they passed by. Of course I received lots of smiles and comments about him and his little outfit. I'm so proud of this little guy! After he ate, I laid him on my lap and starting eating my snack from the pretzel place. He cackled and gave me his little semi laugh (since he hasn't gotten the hang of it yet). I enjoyed sitting there and just watching him. It's amazing to think about how one little person can change your life so much. I'd do anything for this kid. He has me wrapped around his little tiny fingers.
After we left the mall, we ventured out to Target. (My all time favorite store) Bean fell asleep on the way but as soon as I put his car seat on the buggy, he woke up. I was walking around the clothes section when I heard a little grunt. I looked into the car seat and I heard a big splat! Oh gosh...He was pooping! This was no normal poop people, it was the poop of all poops! I kept hearing splat, splat, splat as I ran to get his formula so we could hurry and check out. I slapped that car seat in the car and hurried home. Good thing we only live 2 minutes away! When I got him out of his car seat, I put him against my chest and walked into the bedroom. I laid him on a blanket on my bed and realized my shirt was wet. AH! There was poopy on my sleeve, my chest and all over him. How did I not see this when I got him out of the car seat??!! I stripped us both naked, put on some comfy clothes and mentally prepared myself for what I was going to find in the diaper. Ugh is all I can say. I opened it up, wiped him down with a ton of wipes and put his other diapy on! He was so happy and smiley when this little episode was over. I think he was getting a kick out of how freaked out I was.
So tomorrow we are going to try for the Easter Bunny picture again! I'm crossing my fingers that there won't be too long of a line. Being stationary for too long=one peed off little Bean. I may be able to post again before Sundays three month and St. Patrick's Day update. I will have my little cousin here to help me take care of Bean so I'm sure we will have an interesting time.
God Bless <3

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just a little update...

Well it's safe to say that I have been highly emotional lately. Bean is growing so fast! I remember checking in to the hospital the night before his birth, to get ready for the next day's induction. It seems like yesterday. Now he is almost three months old and changing so much everyday. I'm so in love with this little guy! I cherish every smile, every tear and every moment with him. <3 Blessed doesn't even begin to cover how I feel every day of my life. I'm really excited about this month because we will be celebrating his first St. Patricks Day and his first Easter. I have already made it clear that I LOVE holidays and since this year will be full of firsts, I have to go big! I ordered Bean St. Patricks Day and Easter onesies with his name embroidered on them. They should both be here tomorrow! I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I really want to take him to get his picture made with the Easter bunny at the mall wearing the Easter one :) Hopefully he doesn't cry like I did when I was a child. Apparently, I went running! But who wouldn't? Large, furry, rabbit with big eyes? Nah, not for me.
So anyway, I finally bought a bumbo. I've been passing it up for a few weeks but this last time, I threw it in the buggy. I needed something to help with the strengthening his neck muscles because he throws a mortal fit during tummy time. He wasn't so sure about it at first but when J and I sit in front of him and talk in a high pitched voice, he gives us that big gummy grin!

^Love that little smile^
The day I bought the bumbo, I decided to try out a squeaky toy. That went over great. I had him in his carseat, sitting on top where he could see me. I put the monkey up to him, made it squeak and he LOVED it! I was so happy. He grinned the whole time I was in Target and did not get fussy at all because of that thing. It's suppose to be the boy version of Sophie the Giraffe apparently. Atleast I think so. Everyone has those giraffe's and I would have for sure gotten one eventually but this one looked so cute and a little more boyish. He also grabbed it, while it was laying in the car seat and put the monkey's tail in his mouth! Cutest thing ever. I was shocked that he actually grabbed something so I forgot to take a picture. By the time, I dug my phone out of the diaper bag, he had dropped it in to his lap :/ The only downside to this toy is that I have to keep it put away when we aren't playing with it because my dogs of course think it is for them.
If you would like to purchase this life saver, just click on this link.
You will not be disappointed!
This week, J and I took my sister and her boyfriend out for their birthday dinner. They picked Longhorn, but no complaints here because it is so good! Bean did great. He played and laughed the whole time!
 Little papi dressed in his best for dinner :)
Me and Little Papi!
Look out for Bean's three month update. Hopefully I will be posting it on Sunday or Monday morning!
God Bless <3

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Liebster Award

So happy to have been nominated for the Liebster Award. I just recently started to get the hang of blogging and I enjoy updating and reading stories from other bloggers as well. A giant thank you to Taryn at for nominating me. I appreciate it more than you know!
I learned from Taryn's blog that the award is a way to let others know more about you and to connect with other bloggers who share similar interests. Here are the rules:

1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger set up for you and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you are passing the award to.
3. Choose new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award onto and and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and let them know you nominated them.
5. No tag backs.
11 Random facts about myself
1. I'm no good at cooking!
2. I love reality TV
3. Texas Longhorns all the way :D
4. Eating out is my favorite thing to do
5. Winter is the best.
6. Not too keen on going out of the country, even for a nice vacay!
7. I'm very protective of my family
8. I'm an auntie to 11 kiddos
9. I was a major tattle tale as a child
10. I played lots of instruments in the school band
11. My favorite past time is taking pictures of my little Bean
I'm handing off the Liebster Award to:
bLOUty Tips -Amazing Beauty Tutorials
Our Little Peanut-Baby Cefalu -Blogs about sweet little ones just melts my heart!
 My 11 Questions From Taryn
1. If you could have dinner with one recognizable famous person (dead or alive), who would it be and why? Most definitely Ronald Reagan. He was an amazing President with morals and good values. He truly cared for our country and people and he wanted to make a difference.
2. If you could give new Mom's one piece of advice, what would it be? "Just Breathe", you will be wishing these hectic moments back before you know it.
3. What is one of your favorite quotes and why? "I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life" These words were spoken by Ronald Reagan. I love this quote because it is so true!
4. What sound do you love? East to West by Casting Crowns
5. Why did you start blogging? I thought it would be a fun way to document our new life with Bean.
6. What is your favorite recipe that you make? Cream Cheese Bars, hands down, the best! If you click my pinterest link on the right tab you will find this recipe under my desserts board. Yum!
7. If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? The first launch into space!
8. If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? Share with some of my family and do what I could to help those in need.
9. What is the best thing about being a Mommy? There are so many things to name. Just knowing that he is yours, is the best feeling in the world.
10. What was one of the best parties or events you've ever been to? My husbands' residency graduation! I was so proud of him!
11. What's the hardest thing you've ever done? Forgiving but still letting go of negative people.

11 Questions for the ones I handed the award over too.
1. Who is the most influential person in your life and why?
2. What is one controversial topic that you are willing to stand up for?
3. What is your favorite TV show?
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
5. What would be your dream vacation?
6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
7. What was your favorite subject in high school?
8. How important are your friends to you?
9. What is your favorite household decorating style?
10. Do you have a favorite makeup brand?
11. What do you like to do for fun?
Looking forward to doing Bean's 3 month update post on Sunday! God Bless! <3